“ I just kept saying in my head, “Thank you, God, Thank you, God”. I am alive.
Being awake and reunited with my family I was overcome with emotion… it is hard to describe that feeling, the one where you thought you lost something you can’t replace but then realize you didn’t.
It changed my life.
I thought I would share some of the ways that this last couple years of life has changed for me in hopes that maybe they could help you in your life:
I SLOWED down. Way down. I used to be busy, I used to be stressed, I used to be overwhelmed, I used to put things that didn’t matter in front of things that DID.
I put my FAMILY FIRST. Period.
I STOPPED getting worked up about things I can’t control.
I don’t give life to things that drain my happiness or cause frustration.
I ask myself in every situation, what am I supposed to be learning from this?
I learned its ok to say NO. For real. Sometimes saying yes to not hurt someones feelings is hurting me and I have to take care of me so I can take care of others.
I started LIVING IN THE MOMENT. Not just kinda sorta being here and kinda sorta being there but being where I am and being ALL IN.
I stopped being so hard on myself and so hard on my kids.
I am starting to truly be myself. Who I really am. Without fear of what other people think about me being me.
We don’t have to have a near death experience to remind us to value our life and those that are on this journey with us but every once in a while its good to have a wake up call.
Very few people know this story, and I am not even sure why I am sharing except that it is time for me to completely let it go. And to let you all know that we all go through things, they do not have to damage or destroy us or weaken us. We truly are never given more than we can handle. Every single thing that happens to you, however you perceive it, good or bad, there is always something to be learned from it. What doesn’t kill you… ha ha yes I said it , makes you stronger. I am grateful. Grateful for life, thankful for this breath I breathe, thankful for family, thankful for friends, thankful for LOVE. Thankful to be ALIVE.
It is a MIRACLE that I am alive, that Dyer is alive, but guess what? It is a miracle that YOU are alive. We are all living miracles here as expressions of God to live and teach and learn and love.
peace and love,
– Alisha Hall