Sometimes we can be attached so hard to something, a preference, a belief, a thought, that we can’t see the damage it’s causing.

We can’t see how our attachments make one person right and so many others wrong. How an attachment can create so much division, hate, disagreement, judgement amongst people.

Sometimes we carry an attachment because it was taught to us years ago and we just decide to keep believing in it even when our heart sways us a different way.  Instead of listening to how we feel inside we concern ourselves with the approval of others.

It’s ok to change. It’s ok to see things differently. It’s ok to let go of things you were once attached to. It’s ok to soften your heart. To see things with your heart instead of your eyes. Your eyes, after all are the true window to your soul right?

I continuously evaluate my life and ask what am I so attached to that I can let go of today? What am I so attached to today that might cause me to see my way as better than another’s? What might I be attached to that could make me feel superior to another human being that I am equal to?

Think about your attachments. And then ask yourself if those attachments are serving you well. If they are, great! It never hurts to look deeper and ask, is this attachment causing me to look at my brother or sister differently? To see them as anything but equal and beautiful in their own unique way? Does this attachment encourage compassion and unconditional love?

I hope so! I can think of attachments I’ve had in my life that caused me to get frustrated with others, angry, competitive, not understand others, judging others. Who wins? Not me. Not them. It doesn’t even feel good to feel that way when you really think about it, well maybe in a self righteous mind but not in a mind of compassion and understanding.

If I have any attachment at all, I pray it’s an attachment to the idea that we are all connected, our hearts beat the same, we are all human beings. Let me be attached to the idea that we are all perfect in our own ways, that we are all divine beings, that we are all connected and all worthy of love. No one is better than another. That’s an attachment that spreads LOVE and I LOVE ME SOME LOVE YALL!

We are one.  We are love.

Love makes the world a better place. It unites instead of divides. Love encourages. Love FEELS GOOD.

When given the choice, always choose love….(And you ALWAYS have the choice!)

And let me tell you a secret, the more love you give, the more love you receive. It ALWAYS works that way!

I send my love to you today, and in return I hope you will spread love to all of those you come in contact with today.  We need more love floating around in this world.

– Alisha Hall: June 1, 2018